5/2/95 12:00 |
Memphis, TN |
Woman reports that her grandfather, an American Indian,
tells tribal stories very similar in nature to UFO reports. |
5/3/95 0:54 |
Reno, NV |
Man reports up to nine bizarre, white objects flying strangely
overhead. (Calls 2nd time to report they are birds.) |
5/3/95 4:05 |
Amsterdam, NY |
Prof. trucker repts. sighting disc while driving on I-90.
Was very bright, white light. Could see disc & dome. Good rept. |
5/6/95 14:00 |
Huntington, NY |
Woman repts. strange obj. in daytime sky. Looked like face
of clock w/ cross-bars, "like hands of clock." Drifted off behind
trees. |
5/6/95 23:30 |
Lebanon, OR |
Woman repts. seeing two large, bright objects, like "funnels
of light," in eastern sky from top of Snow Peak. |
5/7/95 1:30 |
Gresham, OR |
Man repts. very clear sighting of a very bright disc, below
clouds flying from SW sky. Made zig-zag movements, flew off. |
5/7/95 4:25 |
Cannon, NH |
Woman momentarily "blinded" by bright flash of
light directed at her face. She & husband witness thin disc, streaks
off FAST. |
5/7/95 12:20 |
Massilon, OH |
Young woman & friend witness bizarre, red disc fly north
in front of their car. Engine failed, radio acted strangely. Disappeared. |
5/7/95 23:45 |
Seattle, WA |
Man calls regarding sighting of triangular ship he witnessed
over Univ. of Washington campus. (Reported in l993.) |
5/9/95 21:10 |
Vista, CA |
Man repts. witnessing circular disc, 1/2 diam. of moon,
moving very slowly across sky to W. Stopped, disappeared. |
5/10/95 3:00 |
Columbia, MO |
Man repts. sons bizarre sighting of small humanoid creature
in back yard. Reptd. in Acteon Journal, St. Louis UFO newsletter. |
5/11/95 0:15 |
Palm Desert, CA |
Man repts. two "stars" that appear to be moving
erratically. (Possible twinkling star, except for reported motion of objects.) |
5/12/95 |
Edwards AFB, CA |
Senior USAF officer calls to confirm existence of National
UFO Reporting Center. Expressed surprise; requests information. |
5/12/95 0:15 |
Carmichael, CA |
Man repts. "red thing" near North Star. Obj. seems
to illuminate clouds. Called Sacramento Sheriff's office. |
5/12/95 2:00 |
Madison, WI |
University of Wisconson students observe strange boot-like
object in sky over Lake Mendota |
5/12/95 7:30 |
Starkey, OR |
Experienced logger repts. three very bright lights in morning
sky. Middle one rises, accelerates into distance; others follow! |
5/12/95 22:50 |
Duarte, CA |
Young woman repts. triangular ship suspended in SE sky,
three smaller lights below larger object. Objs. fly off. |
5/13/95 20:25 |
Tampa, FL |
Man looks at disc of moon w/ binoculars. Sees bright, round
"dot" move very fast across face of moon. Convincing rept. |
5/13/95 21:30 |
Neah Bay, WA |
Man & woman camped on shore witness flashing, pyramid-shaped
obj. w/ multiple flashing lights. Radiated beams of light. |
5/13/95 21:40 |
Framingham, MA |
Woman repts. triangular ship flies overhead, stops, hovers.
Simply "winked out." Object very bright. First sighting for her. |
5/14/95 0:54 |
Dayton, OR |
Man reports witnessing "diamond shaped" object
in sky. (Facts incomplete.) |
5/14/95 20:37 |
Silver Beach, NY |
Woman repts. eight people observing very large obj.--1/2
diameter of full moon--visible in western sky. Moves to south. |
5/15/95 |
McKenzie, TN |
Man calls to rept. cattle mutilations in county (On Hwy.
22?). Helicopters reported, sheriff's office involved, newspaper articles. |
5/15/95 10:30 |
Portland, OR |
Man repts. seeing silver flash, then sees silver, shiny
craft w/ thin fuselage, but no wings! Drifted off, disappeared from sight. |
5/15/95 12:30 |
W. Chicago, IL |
Woman repts. stationary obj. in sky. Looks round, possibly
reflecting sunlight. Started moving, then "just disappeared." |
5/15/95 16:15 |
N. Seattle, WA |
Woman gets very good view of bizarre obj. moving across
sky very fast. Second sighting over Seattle in recent months. |
5/16/95 4:00 |
Hillsborough, NJ |
Local police relay sighting rept.: Citizen repts. sighting
of two round, bizarre objects in sky near town. |
5/16/95 22:45 |
Lake Oswego, OR |
Woman sees bizarre disc outside house. Looked like "red/orange
circle w/ blurred edges." |
5/18/95 18:30 |
Middletown, CT |
Police Dept. calls to relay report. (Telephone line suddenly
goes dead. No return call.) |
5/18/95 19:30 |
Las Vegas, NV |
Woman repts. obj. that descended vertically, moved left
& right, surrounded by "sparks." Very fast. Multiple witnesses. |
5/19/95 9:55 |
W. Salem, OR |
Man w/ two brothers witness 7-8 discs at high altitude.
One obj. larger than others. Multiple calls to 911; MUFON investigating. |
5/19/95 22:15 |
Mt. Jackson, VA |
Woman repts. witnessing 3 saucer-shaped object over neighbor's
house. They looked like "ball of fire." Deputy also witness. |
5/19/95 22:30 |
Federal Way, WA |
Man (PhD) & 2 sons, driving N on I-5, witness delta-shaped
craft, w/ sequentially pulsating red lights around edge fly N, descending.. |
5/21/95 19:30 |
Phoenix, AZ |
Man southbound on I-17 100 miles N of Phoenix sees large
"disc " on ground w/ structure on top. "Fireball" over
city next a.m.. |
5/21/95 21:45 |
Woburn, MA |
Man driving on N on I-93 w/ wife & friend witness bizarre
obj. w/ 2 red/2white lights. Hovers, then flies over car. |
5/21/95 23:20 |
Fox Chapel, PA |
Son & father witness a brightly lighted "inverted
salad bowl" w/ smaller obj. darting to & from it; objs. merged,
descnd, rose, dpartd. |
5/23/95 5:20 |
Brawley, CA |
Man, former military & familiar w/ aircraft, witnesses
"stingray-like" craft w/ lights fly directly overhead. Bizarre
object! |
5/23/95 22:50 |
Woodland, ME |
Woman, husband, police officer, & sec. guard witness
2 objs., one large & white, one smaller, red & green. 8 windows
in big one! |
5/24/95 21:00 |
E. Aurora, IL |
Anonymous male caller repts. very bizarre obj. sighted in
sky from Farnsworth (?), IL. (No details). |
5/24/95 22:15 |
Jeannette, PA |
Woman witnesses 2 motionless lights near horizon, then saw
dark "mass" around them. Lights went in circle, descend behind
trees. |
5/24/95 22:35 |
Brentwood, TN |
Young boy (14 yrs.), mother, & friend witness large,
white obj., size of moon fly almost overhead |
5/25/95 |
Pueblo, CO |
Denver FAA relays rept. from comm. aircraft: Crew sees obj.
zigzag at Mach 4 (!) on collision avoidance radar (TCAS)@36'K. alt. |
5/25/95 |
Silverdale, WA |
Young woman calls to rept. witnessing "Pegasus-like"
obj. w/ "flapping wings." (No other calls). |
5/26/95 22:45 |
Vinton, LA |
Young man witnesses very bright "star" flying
north very fast, "1/2 speed of falling star." Obj. stopped, suddenly
disappeared. |
5/27/95 0:30 |
Arlington, WA |
2 men witness "blue meteorite" descend at 45 deg.
very fast. Obj. had very small tail, "like flame from Space Shuttle."
Good rept. |
5/27/95 0:54 |
Tacoma, WA |
Man (anon.--Boeing empl., former USAF) repts. witnessing
4 lights, "like balls of light," streaking in night sky, silent.
Bizarre. |
5/27/95 2:00 |
Hialiah, FL |
Man & fiancee witness bizarre obj. that looked "like
lampshade" hovering in sky. Very bright w/ circulating lights, little
windows. |
5/28/95 |
St. Louis, MO |
Man repts. multiple sightings of bizarre lights over city.
Multiple calls. Sees them w/ telescope. (No other reports.) |
5/28/95 23:35 |
Bellev ue, WA |
Two men witness momentary blue-green flash come through
SW-facing window. They both jumped from seats & rushed to window. |
5/28/95 23:35 |
Shelton, WA |
Woman witnesses dramatic, bright "comet-like"
obj. descending rapidly to N. Was dark area between head & tail. |
5/28/95 23:35 |
Eagle Creek, OR |
Comm. pilot/ATP (14k hrs.) witnesses large, extremely bright,
flaming obj. descend steeply in W sky. Dramatic. Good rept. |
5/29/95 2:04 |
Fairfield, CA |
Mother repts. her son witnessed big, blue light come up
to his window, awakened him. Departed rapidly "like blue streak." |
5/29/95 2:30 |
Jamestown, CA |
Two men witness obj. overhead which illuminates vehicle
with bright blue flash. Bluish glow lasted for 3-4 seconds. Bizarre! |
5/29/95 4:00 |
Auburn, WA |
Man awakes, decides to go outside to smoke. Sees two objects
in sky, which "shoot" beams of light down to the ground. |
5/30/95 4:45 |
Byron, MN |
Man witnesses birght obj. in E sky. It moves "strangely,
fast," approached second "star," rose very quickly, disappeared.
Alarmed. |